Brought to you by Optimal Living Daily, a podcast bringing you the best content on personal development, minimalism, productivity, and more.
My Friend Won't Confide In Me
Why does my friend not want to confide in me? Greg discusses honesty, friendships and phases, and keeping the lines of communication open.
Anxiety About The State Of The World
Anxious about the state of the world? If you feel like there's no way that life is getting any better, Greg offers practical optimism.
How to Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions
How do you stick to your new year's resolutions? These experts in personal development, health, and personal finance share their best tips.
Beating Negative Self-Talk As A Single Mom
Do you battle with negative self-talk as a single mom? Greg discusses how to take stock of your accomplishments and what to focus on.
What Does Creatine Do To Your Body?
What is creatine? What does it do? Do you need it to build up muscles? Dr. Neal discusses supplements and creating demand for muscle growth.
Technology Dieting
Is technology dieting something you're considering because you're addicted to your phone or laptop? Greg discusses strategies to try.
Finding Motivation While Grieving
How do you maintain motivation while grieving? Greg discusses support systems, healing, and getting through times of difficulty.
I Feel Like A Failed Wife
Feeling like a failed wife? Greg discusses burnout, stress, and level of expectations when it comes to doing everything right.
I'm Feeling Lost and Aimless in Life
Do you feel lost and aimless in life? Greg takes a 20 year-old listener's question and explores life purpose and life stages.
When Does Muscular Strength Start to Decrease?
Muscular strength: when does it start to decrease and what can we do about it? Dr. Neal discusses exercise options and more.