Brought to you by Optimal Living Daily, a podcast bringing you the best content on personal development, minimalism, productivity, and more.
Why Do I Feel So Guilty Spending Money?
If spending money makes you feel guilty, you're not alone. Greg discusses pros and cons of a purchase and having money conversations with your partner.
I'm Worried About My Aging Parent
A listener shares her anxiety about one of her aging parents. Greg Audino shares tips on time perspective in the elderly and seeking happiness.
Finding Satisfaction With Your Current Life Situation
Satisfaction with your current situation can be elusive if you're focused on constant progress. Greg Audino shares how to reframe your mindset.
How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
On overcoming imposter syndrome and feelings of inadequacy. Greg Audino shares tips like remembering to be proud of your accomplishments.
Should I Follow My Dreams or Be Realistic?
Is it better to follow your dreams or make a more realistic choice? Greg Audino shares how to find fulfillment and thoughts about passion vs. money.
How Do I Deal With Political Anxiety?
How do you manage political anxiety? Greg Audino shares how you can take action and approach it with an open mind so that you're not engulfed by anxiety.
About Your Host, Greg Audino
Greg Audino answers a few questions from listeners about his life experience and background. He shares his journey to life coaching and more.
How Safe are the Chemicals in Deodorants?
Are the chemicals in deodorants safe? Dr. Neal discusses the parabens, sulfates, and pthalates commonly found in cosmetics and personal care products.
What's an Anxiety-Free Day Like?
Is an anxiety-free day a thing of fiction? Greg Audino talks about how you can befriend it and break the cycle of fear and anxiety in three steps.
How Do You Trust Your Intuition in Relationships?
Doubtful about trusting your intuition when it comes to relationships? Greg Audino discusses the problem with expectation and being more accepting.