Jacob Lund Fisker of EarlyRetirementExtreme.com questions our obsession with stuff.
Episode 331: Is Your Stuff Holding You Back by Jacob Lund Fisker of Early Retirement Extreme.
Jacob Lund Fisker was a nuclear astrophysicist who retired at 33 with what he believes to be enough savings to last the rest of his life ? even if he never works again. His “claim to fame” is the Early Retirement Extreme site, which is effectively a philosophy of life. ERE is a set of values and principles that gives readers the freedom and opportunity to live an exciting and interesting life.
The original post is located here: http://earlyretirementextreme.com/is-your-stuff-holding-you-back.html
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I retired early with more than I’ll ever spend even if I suddenly turned into a spender. I have always had the one modest house, bought used cars with cash, earned and invested a lot and lived frugally. Kids are out on there own so there is no reason to conserve spending at all now. While we haven’t bought a Ferrari, which we easily could afford, we have upgraded our small fishing boat and our little off road vehicle to new reliable and safer ones. I think once money is no object then frugality still makes great sense. But sometimes it adds to life to have things that support your passions. My wife and I have grown closer while spending time on both our toyless and toy required hobbies. I sometimes wonder if the FIRE community, and we are a FIRE couple, would judge us because we aren’t nearly as minimalist as most even though we can afford our lifestyle easily and never impulse buy for pleasure.
I would hope they wouldn’t judge you–you’re doing amazing and truly are what I think the FIRE community is trying to reach. Congrats on the success, and thank you for listening!