Tony Tran with I Will Teach You to be Rich shares 4 examples of herd mentality and what to do about it. This is Part 1 of 2.
Episode 771: 4 Examples of Herd Mentality (And What To Do About It) – Part 1 by Tony Tran with I Will Teach You to be Rich.
Ramit wants to use money to say YES. He knew there was a better way to live a rich life?if we could use psychology to focus on what actually works. Not just for personal finance, but all aspects of life: money, careers, relationships, business, fitness, and more.
Since then, he's been testing and sharing his findings with the world via I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
He's also written a New York Times bestselling book, been profiled in a 6-page Fortune article, and been pictured next to Warren Buffett in Forbes Magazine, as well as been featured by a long list of media, including the Wall Street Journal, ABC News, NPR, Fox Business, PBS, CNBC, and more. He also has tons of documented success stories?more than 20,000.
The original post is located here:
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