minimalism starter pack

Our podcast's minimalism starter pack featuring episodes from Optimal Living Daily

Check out other themed lists on our show pages or read our collection of minimalism quotes.

Minimalism is much more than simply owning less.

It's a lifestyle that can have a positive effect on your life in multiple areas.

If you're new to the concept, here are some of our popular minimalism episodes that will introduce you to what living with a minimalist approach is like.

Remember, there's no “best” or “correct” way to practice minimalism.

It's not a competition — it's a concept to help you live better by simplifying your life.

Editor's Note: We have six shows in our podcast network to optimize your life in multiple areas (health, personal finance, and more).

To learn more, visit our “start here” page or click on each logo below to learn more about each show! 

Minimalism Starter Pack: Podcast Episodes

Here are a selection of episodes covering the topic of minimalism.

Feel free to select the episode which resonates the most with you, or check them all out to gather the tips you'd most like to apply in your own life!

1. The Minimalists on Embracing Minimalism

Learn more about The Minimalists or read the original post.

If you're a fan of The Matrix films, you'll enjoy this episode as it makes references to the “red pill” portion of the movie. Learn about the message and meaning of minimalism and why anyone would want to make the choice to embrace it.

2. Joshua Becker on Decluttering Your Home

Learn more about Joshua Becker or read the original post.

Decluttering your home is not an impossible task. It also doesn't need to be a painful process. Listen to Joshua's tips on ten ways you can start decluttering your home today, in as little as five minutes. We're pretty sure there'll be at least one thing you haven't tried on Joshua's creative list!

3. Leo Babauta on Living Lean with Health and Finances

Learn more about Leo Babauta or read the original post.

Minimalism can be applied to multiple areas of your life, including weight and finances. Just as physical clutter becomes a burden to deal with, the same thing happens in these other areas if you don't make a conscious effort to focus on the essential. Leo breaks down a few examples to show how sacrificing excess leads to greater freedom and satisfaction.

4. Courtney Carver on Reasons for a Simpler Life

Learn more about Courtney Carver or read the original post.

You feel like you need to simplify your life, but can you name three clear reasons why? Courtney Carver lists three simple and important reasons to opt for minimalism and simplicity in situations that we can all relate to.

minimalism starter pack

5. Jennifer on Deciding What to Keep

Learn more about Jennifer from Simply + Fiercely or read the original post.

Does decluttering mean that you have to throw out everything that you own? No — but it does mean that you have to cast a discerning eye on what you do decide to keep. Jennifer shares how she adjusted her approach towards decluttering while staying in touch with her thoughts and emotions during the decluttering process.

6. Anthony Ongaro on How Minimalism is Essential

Learn more about Anthony Ongaro or read the original post.

Pause for a moment and think about what's essential in your life, and what isn't. In this episode, Anthony shares how minimalism is vital to evaluating and prioritizing the activities in your life.

7. Zoe Kim on Minimalism with Kids

Learn more about Zoe Kim or read the original post

Is minimalism something that you can teach or have with kids? Absolutely!

Several years ago, Zoe embarked on a journey to embrace motherhood with less physical belongings. Minimalism helped her to spend more time with her four young children instead of tending to stuff. She shares twelve practical ways that you can be a minimalist parent.

8. Kalen Bruce on the Decluttering Process

Learn more about Kalen Bruce or read the original post.

Some decluttering methods recommend decluttering your stuff all at once. Kalen's approach slows things down so that you can declutter at your own time. This episode will help you learn how to take action while still going at your own pace.

9. James Altucher on The Benefits of Living Simply

Learn more about James Altucher or read the original post.

When you have less in your life, it gives you room for more possibilities that you want to experience. James shares seven minimalist habits that will help you reap the benefits of living simply.

10. Ali Cornish on Minimalism for Your Digital Life

Learn more about Ali Cornish or read the original post.

Is our highly digitally connected world something that stresses you out from time to time? Is it really a necessity to be “plugged in” 24/7?

Ali helps us think about how we can protect ourselves from the barrage of data and information that constantly surrounds us, and shares tips on how to be moderate with our digital consumption.

Where Do I Go From Here?

We hope you've enjoyed this minimalism starter pack.

Let us know which episode or tips were your favorite from this list.

You can also check out our minimalism quotes, minimalism articles, or try out our free minimalism email course to declutter your home in a week!


Jess Chua

Jess writes and edits content for the Optimal Living Daily podcast network. Her interests include personal growth, cooking, and spending time with her pets.
Minimalism Tips for Family Cheat Sheet

Minimalism Tips for Family Cheat Sheet

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Minimize Your Wardrobe: Inspiration File

Minimize Your Wardrobe: Inspiration File

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Checklist: How to Declutter Sentimental Items.

Checklist: How to Declutter Sentimental Items.

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5-Day Email Course - Get Started with Minimalism

5-Day Email Course - Get Started with Minimalism

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Checklist-How to Declutter Paper

Checklist-How to Declutter Paper

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Checklist - How to Declutter Books

Checklist - How to Declutter Books

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Checklist - How to Help Kids Learn to Declutter Toys

Checklist - How to Help Kids Learn to Declutter Toys

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Checklist - Bare Minimum of Items for Moving

Checklist - Bare Minimum of Items for Moving

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Checklist - Why Personal Finance is Important

Checklist - Why Personal Finance is Important

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Cheat Sheet - How to Overcome Money Fears

Cheat Sheet - How to Overcome Money Fears

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Bonus - Debt Payoff Tracker PDF

Bonus - Debt Payoff Tracker PDF

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Cheat Sheet - How To Stay Motivated When You Feel Stuck

Cheat Sheet - How To Stay Motivated When You Feel Stuck

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Cheat Sheet - What Should I Do After A Deep Tissue Massage?

Cheat Sheet - What Should I Do After A Deep Tissue Massage?

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Cheat Sheet - Tips for Sitting at a Computer All Day

Cheat Sheet - Tips for Sitting at a Computer All Day

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Cheat Sheet - How Do I Stick to a Budget?

Cheat Sheet - How Do I Stick to a Budget?

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Expert Tips - How to Get Over a Breakup

Expert Tips - How to Get Over a Breakup

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Expert Tips - How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Expert Tips - How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

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Expert Tips - 10 Health & Fitness Quotes

Expert Tips - 10 Health & Fitness Quotes

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Cheat Sheet - Toxic Relationships

Cheat Sheet - Toxic Relationships

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OLD Podcast: Library

OLD Podcast: Library

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5-Day Email Course - Get Started with Personal Finances

5-Day Email Course - Get Started with Personal Finances

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Journaling Worksheet - PDF

Journaling Worksheet - PDF

Enter your email to get a sample of our journaling worksheet PDF with quotes and templates based on Optimal Living Daily episodes. You'll also get a weekly email with inspiration and tips to optimize your life!

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5-Day Email Course - Improve Your Health and Fitness

5-Day Email Course - Improve Your Health and Fitness

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