Anthony Ongaro of Break the Twitch shares 5 habits that changed his life.
Episode 1758: 5 Habits That Changed My Life by Anthony Ongaro of Break The Twitch on Healthy Habit Formation
After years of impulse spending on Amazon and elsewhere, Anthony Ongaro realized that his one-click purchase habits were more of a physical Twitch than an intentional action. It turned out, this Twitch wasn't just limited to online spending. It applied to social media, impulsive smartphone usage, and more.
Break the Twitch is all about minimizing distractions and doing more of what matters.
Check out Anthony's new book, Break the Twitch:
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Dr. Neal Malik ("Dr. Neal") has a Doctorate in Public Health with emphases in disease prevention and nutrition. He is also a Registered Dietitian and Certified Health Education Specialist. He is currently an assistant professor at California State University, San Bernardino. Dr. Neal has published peer-reviewed scientific research and been featured as a nutrition and wellness expert in over 70 media outlets including Parade and The L.A. Times.
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